-Full name: Chloe Nichols

-Nationality: Australian

-Age: 12

-Codename: Sierra


-Languages: English (Has an Australian accent)


-Species: Neo-Human (Chloe was born an evolved human, seemingly at random. Chloe was quickly noticed after her birth by the Australian government and soon the US government. To watch her development, Chloe was sent to Alaska when she was a baby and given to adoptive parents.)


-Special features: Chloe has semi-long natural cyan hair keps in twintails, and her eyes are completely white, devoid of pupils or an iris. There are also two holes on each side of her neck that function like gills and as a third way to breathe besides her mouth and nose.



-Location: Chloe lives in a top-secret artificial town in the forests near Mt. Blackburn named Arrowhead. Arrowhead is essentially an oversized summer camp with 32 residents from Chloe’s age to 60-year-olds. Every building is a log cabin, and the only lighting comes from lanterns.


In Arrowhead, everyone, besides being government agents, are Australian or Americans putting on an Australian accent. They all have colored hair, white eyes, and Hollywood-esque fake “gills” so that Chloe doesn’t feel out of place, though there have still been a few times she thought they were different from her.
For government agents, the citizens feel like genuine small-town citizens, though it’s unclear whether they’re just acting or not. Everyone knows each other, and they all try not to give Chloe any special treatment.


Though Arrowhead seems to have no electricity, there are hidden generators that power hidden security cameras and a “mill” deeper in the forest that is a command center. The only electronics are black Sony-esque radios that only play an unnamed station from the mill that only plays 80s rock hits. The radios can function as two-way radios, but only once someone at the mill activates the transmitter.



-Parents: Chloe’s mom died during childbirth, and her father had left months before Chloe was born. While sad, it was quite fortunate for the two governments. It was relatively easy to replace Chloe’s parents with her government-provided ones. Her “mom” Candace has green hair, and her “dad” Garry has blue hair, both Australian. All things considered, they’re decent parents and over time have developed an unconditional love for Chloe only parents could have.
Chloe’s never gone to school, so they’ve homeschooled her with basic information until she was 11.



-Neo-human abilities:


-Regeneration – Chloe’s brain has a tiny extra nigh-indestructible lobe between its two hemispheres (called the master brain, for now) that knows advanced ways of manipulating the human healing process. The master lobe helps Chloe’s body heal injuries four times as fast as a normal human and can even heal fatal injuries and brain injuries, potentially bringing Chloe back from the dead. Anything stuck in Chloe’s body during the healing process is ejected out, small objects reaching the speed of a bullet and bigger ones slowly pushed out.

The healing process usually takes from a few seconds to twelve hours, depending on the injury. In the case of removed body parts, it goes through the task of creating a replacement, which takes two days. Worst case scenario, if incinerated or otherwise turned to ash, it takes two weeks for Chloe to re-materialize again, remaining in a coma until fully healed.


-Eyes – Chloe’s strange eyes aren’t just for show! They can zoom up to 3x without losing focus, like a camera. They also can’t be damaged by bright lights, have a slightly wider field of vision, and can move independently, though it can be hard to tell. They’re also faster than humans, being able to see 240 frames in a moving picture, for example.


-Senses: Chloe’s senses, besides her sight, aren’t very special. She can hear slightly farther than the average person and has a higher hearing range, but her sense of smell, touch and taste are all the same.


-Memory – Chloe’s memory is pretty much like anyone else’s memory; except she has photographic memory of anything her 5 senses have reacted to for about 30 minutes. Anything past 30 minutes just goes to her normal memory.


-Wastes: Chloe’s body never makes traditional waste, and instead essentially converts it all to tears. While less gross, it makes her remove tears more often than most people. Yawning can get rid of them, but crying is quicker. They can also come out on their own, but only if Chloe can’t hold it back. Chloe completely lacks the urge to yawn or cry like normal humans do, so she only does it when removing tears.


-Energy: Chloe can maintain stamina longer than normal humans. Since her body can heal itself quickly and won’t be too damaged from overexertion, it skips feeling exhaustion and simply uses all of Chloe’s energy until she slowly starts to feel the effects of sleepiness.


-Disabilities: How Chloe was born without a left calf and foot, and her master brain has never regenerated it. Because of this, she was given a prosthetic leg to replace her missing left half taking the form of a somewhat technological hook foot.


-Personality: Part of making sure Chloe grows up optimally, Chloe’s personality has been steered towards her being as docile as a lamb. A side-effect, though, is that she’s a bit introverted. Chloe has become both a music fan and a lover of the outdoors, though she isn’t much of a survivalist nor does she know much about musical artists, or even the names of their songs. She also likes painting occasionally. Since there’s always someone nearby who will try talking to her, she isn’t a total shut-in.


Due to how she was raised, Chloe believes that planes are big birds, and the world is a giant forest with towns like Arrowhead, except they’re so far away that she’ll never see them or meet anyone from them.