-Full Edit: 5/22/24 :-) name: Chloe Nichols

-Nationality: Australian

-Age: 12


-Languages: English (Has an Australian accent)

-Special features: Chloe has dark cyan hair, and her eyes are completely white.

-Species: Human (Chloe was born an evolved human, though it’s not clear how… At age 20, she’ll start to age significantly slower, eventually making aging 5 years 15 years!)


-Neo-human abilities:


-Regeneration - Chloe’s body can automatically repair itself from injuries, including healing fatal injuries and effectively bringing her back from the dead. The healing process usually takes from two to twelve hours, but if her body’s trying to heal something that’s been destroyed, it can take a week to replace it.


-Eyes – Chloe’s strange eyes aren’t just for show! They can zoom up to 3x like some sort of camera without things getting blurry or losing focus. They also can’t be damaged by bright lights and don’t have any of the sensitivities of regular eyes.


-Memory – Chloe’s memory is pretty much like anyone else’s memory; except she has photographic memory of anything her 5 senses have reacted to for about 30 minutes. Anything past 30 minutes just goes to her normal memory.


-Disabilities: Having been born with weak bones in her left leg, they eventually broke when Chloe was 5 years old. Her leg was taken off and replaced with a prosthetic one. She had to get a new one as she aged, but it hasn’t changed since.


-Location: Although Chloe is Australian, she lives in the US…in a top-secret artificial town in the forests of Mt. Blackburn named St. Arrowhead. St. Arrowhead is essentially an oversized summer camp with 32 residents. Every building is made with logs, and the only lighting comes from lanterns.


In St. Arrowhead, everyone, besides being government agents, has an Australian accent, and some citizens have colored hair and white eyes so that Chloe doesn’t feel out of place. For government agents, the citizens are pretty human, though it’s unclear whether they’re just acting or not.


There’s electricity from generators, though the only electronics seem to be radios that only play a government-monitored music station (that mostly plays rock from the 80s) and security cameras.


Chloe was quickly noticed after her birth by the Australian government and was sent to Arrowhead with backing from the US government when she was just a baby. She and all the other residents are watched over by who could essentially be called the Arrowhead Overwatch, who makes sure Chloe grows up and behaves how the US/AU government expects her to.


-Parents: Chloe’s mom died during childbirth, and her father had left months before Chloe was born. While sad, it was quite fortunate for the two governments. It was relatively easy to replace Chloe’s parents with her government-provided ones. Her “mom” Candace has green hair, and her “dad” Garry has blue hair. All things considered, they’re decent parents. Though they’re government operatives, it’s only natural that they’d also develop a bond with Chloe.


-Personality: Part of making sure Chloe grows up optimally, so far, Chloe’s personality has been steered towards her being as docile as a lamb. A side-effect, though, is that she’s a bit introverted and can be almost deadpan at times. With the only entertainment for an introvert being the radio or wandering around outside, Chloe has become both a music fan and a lover of the outdoors, though she isn’t much of a survivalist nor does she know much about musical artists besides what their names are and the songs they’ve made.


Although Chloe doesn’t know of her current predicament, she’s always felt that there’s more to the world than what she knows. This hasn’t brought about her rebellious side, but moreso makes her somewhat gullible to things she isn’t familiar with.


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