Name: Hero MacRae (or Princess Hero)

Nationality: English

Age: 504 yo (Appears to be 15)

Hair: Long and black

Language: Archaic English

Status: Undead, formerly part of the royal MacRae family at the British-occupied Waerlden castle.

Backstory: Hero’s dad was cursed by a witch to have his firstborn child born with a demon inside of it. That firstborn child was Hero! It wasn’t apparent she was even harboring a demon until she was assassinated one day, forcing her demon half out. It went on a murder spree and killed everyone in Waerlden!

The ghosts of her victims won’t let her near civilization, so she hasn’t gone far from the castle since after her rampage. They’ve explained what’s inside of Hero before, and being covered in blood, she had no choice but to believe them and agree not to leave. After all, why would the ghosts of her subjects and parents lie to her?
Many of the ghosts liked Hero well enough before they died and understand why she killed them, so they’ll occasionally socialize with her. They’re only visible to Hero, so they can’t stop anyone from entering Waerlden.

Having not kept track of time and being unable to age, she thinks that maybe only 20 years have passed.

Abilities: When Hero falls asleep (or is rendered unconscious), she switches between her human self and her demon self depending on the last one that was awake, with no knowledge of each other. Hero can’t be killed by any injury (except maybe being vaporized), and her demon form has x3 her normal strength. Hero still feels pain, but her demon half doesn’t really care about it. Normal Hero sort of likes pain, though she hasn’t really noticed.

Eye color: Brown, red when possessed

Clothes: A black bodysuit

Personalities: Demon Hero, as you might guess, is an unstoppable instrument of death, and kills everyone in her path. She doesn’t talk at all, instead making grunts or laughing when her prey tries to stop her. If her demon side ever calmed down, it’d mostly just be emotionless and irritable. Regular Hero is much less murderous and cares about the well-being of others to lock herself up in castle Waerlden. She’s nice, brash, a bit immature, and likes making friends with just about anyone. She would have been a great queen, if the demon hadn’t killed her subjects…

Location: Castle Waerlden, Scotland
(About the size of Edinburgh castle and filled with terribly inbred animals! A departure from her former princess duties, Hero’s had to take care of animals for a while now, taught by the ghost of the farmer that kept care of them. The animals’ cages have been unusable for decades, so Waerlden is teeming with roaming animals. As a consequence of that, dead chickens, pigs, or cows that Hero never took care of can be found occasionally all around the castle.

Its front gates have been locked for ages, so it’s rare for anyone to try getting inside.)