(World: After a zombie apocalypse or, Max is an escapee from a quarantine zone)


-Name: Max Clark


-Nationality: Canadian (Originally from Havre-Saint-Pierre, Canada)


-Species: Human infected with a degenerative rage virus (AKA a zombie)


-Age: 12 (a year after becoming a zombie)


-Mental state: Max isn’t completely a zombie, making her maybe one of few instances of someone only partially becoming a zombie. She isn’t angry or violent, but her mental functions have been reduced. She has no sense of direction or time, can no longer speak because her mouth has been stuck dangling open, and the Broca’s area of her brain has been damaged. She can make groaning noises, but she only does it when she’s trying to talk, thinking that she’s speaking English.

She also has weakened motor controls, and some of her thoughts come out corrupted, so she ends up doing something different from what she intended. Still, she’s much smarter than the average zombie.


-Description: Max still wears the same clothes she was wearing when she got infected – a navy blue t-shirt, white pants, and sneakers. Max’s skin is green. Her body is rotting, if at a very slow rate. It began to rot when she got infected, eventually slowing down exponentially after a couple of weeks. She could’ve easily lost a limb or two when the rotting was serious, so it’s lucky she’s still intact. At this rate, the rotting will only get seriously worse when she’s 60, if she isn’t cured by then.


-Eyecolor: She has one blue eye and one “white” eye, which is just an eye that is stuck looking up.


-Abilities: Before she became a zombie, Max used to be nimble. She can’t perform parkour anymore, but she still has her speed, if she doesn’t stumble by accident. She is also resilient to pain, as in she can’t feel it at all.


Because her brain isn’t completely infected, her body will attempt to heal itself by sticking whatever touches her muscles with nerves – a mutation granted by the virus. Useful for reattaching a limb, but because Max’s skin has a bunch of bare muscle, it’s only stabbed a bunch of insects so far.


-Behavior: Max used to be brash and arrogant, and it’s that arrogance that got her infected by a faster than average zombie. She’s been trying to find her old friends and her parents in Brigg since, but with literally no direction, she’s only ended up further from them. As time goes by, she forgets what they even looked like, so Max’s started going to random houses hoping to find them. Most of them end up abandoned, though.


Max is fully aware that she’s a zombie, so she tries to avoid people to avoid getting hurt. Loud noises and gunshots always make her run away and try to hide. This made her a bit lonely and knowing that she doesn’t really remember what her friends and family looked like has only made it worse. Zombies don’t make great friends, as she’s found out… If anyone ever seems friendly toward her, though, she wouldn’t hesitate to try making them her friend.