-Name: Millie Burnquist

-Age: 15

-Gender: Female

-Nationality: American (lives in West Yellowstone, Montana)

-Languages: English, Spanish, some Yiddish, and weak French. (When speaking English,
she has a bit of a Jewish-American accent.)

-Hair color: Red
-Eye color: Green
-Hairstyle: Pigtails
-Face blemishes: Freckles

-Siblings: Laura Burnquist, age 15, twins with Millie, keeps her hair down

-Disabilities: Needs glasses, or everything looks blurry.

-Religion: Judaism (Not practiced much, but still followed)

-Parents: Millie’s mom died in a car crash six years ago, and now she and her sister
have been taken care of by their father. Her mom is why her dad practiced Judaism
in the first place. Not much of a righteous man, he slowly stopped worshiping it
as the years went on.

-Behavior: Millie is pretty much a stereotypical “too smart for her own good” nerd
that takes school seriously, and doesn’t see it as a place for making friends. Fortunately
for her, not many people want to be her friend. She’s a wet blanket that doesn’t
seem to like fun – which usually means she doesn’t think people should do dangerous
things. Ironically, she would like to have friends, but she could never fit in enough
to find one...
She also quite obviously has social anxiety, as Millie is always nervous when she’s
talking to someone for long enough. Always stuttering, having a cold sweat, never
looking eye-to-eye, always apologizing, the works! She probably couldn’t hold a face-to-face
conversation with anyone for more than a minute… Millie seems to be afraid of almost
everyone; she's even scared to talk to the nerds of the school, and being nerds,
they've never tried talking to a girl - even if the girl is equally as nervous as
they are. Most people either want to bully her or tease her, which is why there’s
usually only one person she ever talks to…

-Behavior (Laura): Laura is the opposite of Millie. She’s somewhat brash, outspoken,
and doesn’t care much about school. Despite that, she still loves Millie, and always
tries to protect her whenever she can. They’re each other’s best friends, and the
two of them couldn’t imagine what they’d do without each other.

-Voice: Kind of whiny and high-pitched
-Voice (Laura): High-pitched and rough-sounding

-Clothes: Always wears clothes that seem like school uniforms and is rarely seen
in anything casual.