-Name: Point [Probably a crappy name :p]

-Species: Point is a demon, but he doesn't know it!

-Gender: Male, but is extremely feminine and mostly indistinguishable from
being a girl. He doesn't mind being called one either,
he takes it as a compliment!

-Eye color: Point's eyes are completely white, but most people
assume they are contacts.

-Clothes: Wears a white half-shirt, suspenders, white gloves, slightly over-sized
red shoes, and striped yellow and cyan pants. If you
put his clothes under a microscope, you'd find they all
have his DNA, sort of like skin.

-Abilities: Point can alter his body however he wants, easily
enough that it's sort of a sixth sense. He also
doesn't need any of the things most humans need to
survive like food and water.
His main ability though is that anything with a consciousness
he touches (with all five fingers) turns into a copy
of himself (over the course of a month if it's
a human). Every copy keeps their original personalities for a
while, but they'll eventually become exactly like Point (in yet
another month for a human).
Being around Point during the transformation would allow the victim
to have a strange, mutated Point-like personality and appearance based
off of their real one. There's no cure yet, mostly
because the only guy that might be able to fix
it has never been around anyone while they transform...
Point doesn't even know he has this ability, yet he
never finds it strange when he sometimes sees duplicates of
himself. He's subconsciously always trying to touch whoever or whatever
he can, and has never realized it... Currently, there's only
11 Points around the world, all of them traveling to
some other state or country before the Pointification was complete.

-Behavior: Point is a trickster that likes playing pranks on
people as well as doing magic tricks for them, as
his appearance might suggest. He's a whimsical type of person,
but has enough self-restraint to only bug people if they
approach him first. Also, although he's a clown, if someone
says something is (or would be) funny, Point also thinks
it's funny - even if he knows it isn't. Once
you knew he was a walking virus, it'd be easy
to think his personality was just a facade. However, it's
completely genuine - he's just oblivious to the effect he
has on people!

-Nationality: None (Two of the earliest Point's wander around the
vicinity of Le Mans, France, and Miami, Florida, USA. One
of them is the original Point, but even he couldn't
tell you which.)

-Job: Sometimes, Point is hired by a parent or a
circus host to entertain somewhere. He doesn't need money, so
he only does it for fun.

-Memory: Being a demon, Point has no memory of anything
that happened to him before he came into the world.
Even duplicate Point's forget their lives before Pointification, if they
have no parts of their personality left.

-Language: Speaking of duplicates, every duplicate Point share memories and
knowledge like a hive mind. So, Point knows English, French,
Afrikaans, Shakespherean English, and Chinese. He can also perfectly replicate
a British accent and a Southern American (yankee) accent!