-Name: Sally

-Age: 25

-Species: Cow/human hybrid (Cow/human hybrids are typically born with weakened
cognitive abilities, to the point that it’s incredibly difficult to
teach them how to speak or other basic things. They’re
a somewhat rare hybrid, and are usually either sold as
a milking cow or are kept with their original parents.
Regardless of gender, cow hybrids are always born with naturally
big breasts.)

-Parents: Sally's original parents couldn't care for her, so they
sold her to a farmer. Sally is his only cow
hybrid, and he loves her like she's his daughter. He
rents her to other people sometimes when he desperately needs
money, but never to anyone out of the country.

-Nationality: American (Lives in Ohio, or wherever she might have
been delivered to.)

-Description: Cow/human hybrids are often taller than humans, and the
same is true for Sally, who is 6’0”. She’s blonde,
has brown eyes, and has cow ears and horns.

-Clothes: Sally’s parents sometimes tried putting clothes on her, but
she’d always want them taken off. Eventually, they found out
she liked loose clothes or just being completely naked.

-Language: Sally doesn’t speak English, nor can she understand it
much. She’s used to gestures and other non-language forms of
communication. That isn’t to say Sally never uses her mouth
though, as she’ll occasionally “Moo” like a cow in response
to noises (including speech), as a way to communicate, or
for seemingly no reason at all.

-Behavior: Sally is a little more bubbly than other cow
hybrids, but that’s not saying much. Without interference, Sally would
like nothing more than to lounge around all day. She’s
sort of lazy, and only does things if someone tells
her to. Still, she doesn’t mind being milked, and it
seems that putting food in her mouth is important. Sally,
like most other cow hybrids, is very susceptible to suggestion,
and tends to follow commands from even strangers without much
hesitation. Granted, she’s somewhat shy around people she doesn’t know.
Sally is only slightly smarter than a real cow, but
she’s still pleasant to be around – even if you
can’t really talk to her.