-Description: A humanoid creature made from a mass of
always slowly moving black tentacles. From most distances though, it
seems to be made from some kind of black
smoke. It has no 'face', as in no eyesockets, nose,
or mouth. Its hands are more like claws without the
sharp part. Despite this, they still look as sharp as
a bear claw. It has no known gender, but it
appears to be male. Being made completely out of tentacles,
he can change his form at will, and will often
try to imitate the closest organism he can find, or
ones that seem to be looking at him.

-Age: Unknown, but its existence has been known for the
past 28 years.

-Location: Somewhere in the Canadian Appalachian Mountains.  A few campers and other forest-goers have seen him and
have made him something of a urban legend.

-Name: None, but creative conspiracy theorists and others interested in
him have named him "Shadowman".

-Unknown: Something that no human, nor even Shadowman himself knows,
is that he can communicate seemingly telepathically with an organism
with the ability to speak if he's around one long
enough. Just like with his forms, he imitates the voice
and language of whoever he's heard the most. This isn't
a perfect imitation though, as it sounds distorted and almost
glitched in a way.

-Behavior: Shadowman has an ominous appearance, but he is actually
not so scary. He is curious, potentially super-intelligent with his
language cloning, and usually silent, even after he has become
able to communicate with something. He isn't typically "nice", though.
Most actions he does are based entirely on logic with
a complete lack of feelings or emotion. However, maybe those
things just need to be taught to him...